Welcome back to Aaramba Media! I'm Mo Thakurta, and here at Aaramba, we specialize in top-notch video production and live streaming. Over the years, we've noticed that small businesses are increasingly embracing hybrid corporate events due to their numerous benefits. These events allow businesses to reach broader audiences, repurpose content, and engage more intentionally.

However, many businesses treat hybrid events like in-person events or webinars, overlooking crucial aspects like planning and technology. Before pitching a hybrid event to your CEO, consider these key steps:

1. Know Your Audience and Platform

Identify your audience and choose a platform they are comfortable with. For instance, we often use Zoom for its familiarity and ease of use, especially for rural audiences. Other great platforms include Hopin, Microsoft Teams, and ON24.

2. Set Up Efficient Registration and Ticketing

Choose a system that handles both in-person and virtual attendees efficiently, such as Eventbrite, Cvent, or Excelevents. Consider the costs and functionality, especially if offering multiple ticket tiers.

3. Essential Equipment for Live Streaming

  • Cameras: At least three HD cameras for various shots.
  • Microphones and Audio Mixers: Ensure clear audio with multiple mics and mixers.
  • Switchers and Encoders: For smooth video transitions and streaming, consider BlackMagic ATEM Mini and HyperDecks.
  • Dummy Batteries: Keep cameras powered directly from electricity.
  • Computers and Monitors: Multiple setups for video switching, signal monitoring, and managing chat/social media.
  • Recording Equipment: Always record your event as a backup.
  • Cables and Cords: Ensure you have the right lengths and extras for all equipment.

4. Lighting

Proper lighting varies by event size. For small meetings, a desk lamp or ring light works. Larger events may need spotlights and stage washes.

5. Streaming and Connectivity

A reliable, high-speed internet connection is crucial. Always use a wired connection and consider backup internet options. Platforms like YouTube Live, Vimeo, and Twitch are excellent for broadcasting.

6. Content Management

Connect computers to A/V screens for clear presentations. For virtual audiences, use reliable streaming software like Wirecast or StreamYard. Ensure compatibility with presentation tools and rehearse thoroughly.

7. Preparing Virtual Speakers

Ensure speakers have a good webcam, headset, microphone, lighting, and professional background. Test everything to maintain audience engagement.

8. Test, Rehearse, Repeat

Schedule practice sessions and run-throughs to ensure everyone is comfortable and everything works smoothly.

Hybrid events can be challenging, especially for small teams. We’re committed to helping you navigate these challenges with ease. If you found this post helpful, please share it with others who might benefit from our tips. Stay tuned for our next post, where we’ll dive into repurposing event content for year-long engagement. Until then, happy planning!